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Join us on a Mission Trip!

Join us for a life changing adventure, and a true cultural immersion experience.  
This year our focus is:  Medical Care, Prayer & Sharing the Gospel. Our trips are generally 14 to 15 days in length. We encourage you to request more information. This trip is tax deductible and fundraising options are available. Approximate dates for our summer trip:  Mid July through Late July, or possibly last week of July into First week of August.  Deadline to apply for Summer 2021 is September 30th, 2020.
July Team Max: 16
Spaces Remaining: 2
If you are interested in joining us in 2021, please click on the button below. You will be emailed an application and information on the trip.  We use a selective process for approving applications including an interview and reference checks. 


Important information:

Non Refundable Deposit ($350) due Sept 30th, 2020 with application, space filled on first to pay, first to be on the team basis. (If paying with a credit card, we require an additional 2.9% service fee- $10.15.)  No application is accepted without a deposit, however checks are only cashed when you are formally approved as a team member.


A program fee of $1700 is charged for each participant. This covers all on the ground expenses and the cost of our mission programming for work we will perform while in Uganda.


Plane tickets will be ordered and paid for in March or April.  Each person will be responsible for payment of their ticket, however an agent will assist in the booking process.  Estimated ticket price:  $1600-2600.  Total estimated cost of the trip is around $4000.

Balance Due July 1, 2021 (can be put on credit card for an additional 2.9% service charge).

Your photo could be here!  Join our 2021 Summer Team!



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